+44 (0) 203 598 1120 info@gregseckerfoundation.com


  • House of Refuges

    The House of Refuge

    Each Christmas the Greg Secker Foundation, in conjunction with the Learn to Trade companies in the UK, South Africa and Australia work with various charities, including the Salvation Army, to provide Christmas care packages and hampers to those who nee […]

  • Ubuntu Gala Event


    May 2011 NewsletterThe Greg Secker Foundation helps raise over £750,000 raised at Ubuntu Education Fund Gala to launch first comprehensive paediatric HIV clinic of its kind in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. […]

  • 306858_443072469059796_708807935_n


    May 2012 Newsletter Greg Secker will take to the skies of London, raising money for charity in a series of Flying Trader events. […]

  • Internationally renowned ForEx trader and CEO of Knowledge to Action, Greg Secker, will make money from thin air on Friday as he hovers above the City as the Flying Trader. 
A trained helicopter pilot, Greg will be flying his chopper 10,000ft above London while trading live on the foreign exchange markets. Anyone can join in as Greg sends his trades down to the City beneath him, with all brokerage commissions going to child-based charities Barnardo’s and The Ubuntu Education Fund, on June 24, 2011 in London, United Kingdom.

For more information about using this image contact Micha Theiner:
T: +44 (0) 7525 627 491
E: micha@michatheiner.com

    Air Trade

    20 Jan 2016

    The Greg Secker Foundation featured in South Africa’s Waterfront Magazine. […]

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