Our very own GSF Village ‘Flower show’.
With the famous Chelsea Flower show happening in London this week, we wanted to keep the emphasis on flowers and other plants too. Â Alya our social worker, took a little walk around the GSF village and has sent over the most amazing pictures of the village in full bloom – our very own “GSF Flower show.”
It is nearly 6 months since the beneficiaries moved into the village and already they have so many different varieties of vegetables; long beans, eggplant, tomato, lady finger, papaya and leafy green vegetables, all of which are part of their daily diet. Â Nothing goes to waste when growing their vegetables either – all the pots are recycled bottles, cans and car tyres which are all used as planters!
Not only do they grow vegetables but also herbal plants such as the Moringa plant which can be used as a vitamin supplement and is amazing for cuts and burns too.
The beneficiaries have really looked after their gardens and it really shows – the produce looks fantastic.  We mustn’t forget that they are in the middle of summer too, so all the watering must be hard work to maintain such healthy crops.
The provincial government have a program in place called “Laswa sa lamesa” which means every table must have vegetables during meal times and every household must plant vegetables for their own consumption. Â It is a great way to encourage the children to eat healthily. Every family that plants vegetables receives a certificate from the Chief Captain of Barangay as an incentive to grow their own produce.Â
The village has come a long way in six months. To go from jungle, to bare land, to a building site, and now a thriving village. Â A lot of hard work but look at the rewards. Â Well done to all our families, we are so proud of you.Â